World Boardgaming Championships – Part II

Saturday morning dawned and I realized that I hadn’t quite scratched my itch.

I “needed” to pick up the French & Indian War expansion for Hold the Line.  Plus, Survive is actually set up for a max of 4 players.  I needed the expansion.

Due to some back-to-school shopping, we “happened” to arrive back at the Host for a final round with the vendors.

I scooped up a copy of the Hold the Line expansion and grabbed an expansion pack for Survive that allows you to play with up to 6 players.  In addition, I bought the Giant Squid kit to add yet another monster to the game.

As we made one last round of the vendors I was drawn back to the GMT booth.  I was torn between Flying Colors, Glory III (Antietam), and Men of Iron:  Volume I.  In the end, I opted for Men of Iron for the same reason that I jumped on Kaiser’s Pirates.  Something about an era that I have never gamed.  I was really torn since Flying Colors looks to be a great series with a few expansions already out to boost its appeal.

Thing #1 made a push for me to grab Dominant Species, but at that point my budget had taken a great enough hit for the weekend.  We departed and he adopted the look of the beaten.

All in all, I’m pleased with the additions to my collection.  The boys are excited and have read a set or two of rules already, so I know they will be gaming for the remainder of the summer when they aren’t outside.  I wish there had been the same selection of games and players when I was a youngster…:(.


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